Student Resources

The library's link for math research resources: Mathematics research guide

Catalog descriptions of all MATH courses

All math students are automatically members of a mathematics professional society:

The Department of Mathematics has some funding available to support student travel to conferences. Attending conferences is a great way to learn more about careers in math, how to pursue graduate degrees, interesting topics in math (including active areas of research), and more, as well as to meet other mathophiles from around the region, the country, and the world. We strongly encourage you to attend a math conference at some point during your time as a student, and to take advantage of this opportunity to have us pay for some or all of the costs.


To request funding to cover the cost of attending a conference, send an email to the Math Department chair with the following information:

  • Your name and CIN
  • The conference you would like to attend
  • The amount of funding you are requesting
  • Other sources of funding you are expecting or have applied for
  • A detailed itemization of costs. This could include:
    • Registration for the conference
    • Travel to and from the conference (For driving, use a reimbursement rate of 58 cents per mile)
    • Lodging (if it’s far away)
    • Food (if over 24 hours)
    • Printing a poster for a poster presentation

We understand that some of these costs may be estimates. Please be aware that we will not be able to approve funding for more than what you requested, so you should make sure that your estimates are large enough to cover whatever the final costs wind up being.  Funds are limited. First priority will be given to students presenting a talk or poster at the conference. The deadline to apply is one month before the date of travel to the conference.

In addition to the Math Department, there are other sources of funding available:


Below is information about some conferences you might consider attending. You can find more by Googling.

  • MAA sectional meeting: Our regional MAA section (Mathematical Association of America Southern California – Nevada) usually has two meetings a year, one in the Fall, and one in the Spring. These meetings are often not too far from LA and typically feature accessible, interesting talks. The Fall meeting generally has student talks, and the Spring meeting generally has student posters.
  • MathFest:  This is the annual national conference hosted by the MAA in the summertime. It is similar to the MAA section meetings but larger and in different locations around the country every year.
  • Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM):  Every year, this is the largest mathematics conference in the world. It is run jointly (hence the name) by the MAA and by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). It is held in early-to-mid-January in different locations around the country every year. It is a one-of-a-kind experience to see thousands of mathematicians assemble in one place at one time.
  • Field Of Dreams:  The Field of Dreams Conference is hosted by the Math Alliance, an organization that seeks to benefit current and aspiring mathematicians from traditionally underrepresented groups. It generally takes place in November in St. Louis, Missouri. Students who have attended have reported that it is a valuable place to learn more about applying to graduate school and about careers in mathematics. Please note that the Math Alliance has its own source of funding to support student travel to this event.
  • Pacific Math Alliance:  The Pacific Math Alliance is a regional branch of the Math Alliance.
  • SACNAS:  SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) is “an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.” They host annual conferences both nationally and regionally. Conference attendees are from various STEM disciplines, not just math.
  • AMS section meetings:  The American Mathematical Society (AMS), like the MAA, hosts regional conferences. Talks at these meetings tend to be higher-level and directed towards researchers in a particular field, compared to talks at MAA meetings.
  • CMC^3 South:  CMC3-South (California Mathematics Council Community Colleges South) is “a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional growth of community college mathematics educators in Southern California.” It hosts two conferences a year.
  • DataFest: "The American Statistical Association (ASA) DataFest is a celebration of data in which teams of undergraduates work around the clock to find and share meaning in a large, rich, and complex data set."
  • Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics: The "overall goal is to arm participants with knowledge, self-confidence and a network of peers to help them become successful mathematicians."
  • RAMS conference at VCU.  "The Richmond Area Mathematical Sciences (RAMS) Conference at VCU will be held virtually and synchronously on Saturday, April 30, 2022. The conference promotes education and research in the fields of mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and operation research. It is tailored for undergraduate and graduate students to present results of their research."

This information has moved to the Student Opportunities page.