Faculty Handbook: The official source for university academic policies.
Office of Faculty Affairs: Handles issues of faculty hiring, retention, tenure, promotion and evaluation.
California Faculty Association: Represents faculty in negotiation with the CSU system about faculty hiring, retention, tenure, promotion and evaluation.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: The current contract between the CSU and CFA.
New Lecturer Checklist: Information for new lecturers about getting campus ID, parking passes, FERPA, etc.
Classroom Observation Form: The department's official form for doing classroom observatons of lecturers and TAs.
Course Content Information
- Math 1040 syllabus
- Math 1081 syllabus
- Math 1083 syllabus
- Math 1090 syllabus
- Calculus sequence (Math 2110, 2120, 2130) course content
- Math 2150 pacing guide
- Math 2550 syllabus
- Math 3200 syllabus
Syllabus Templates
The Department of Mathematics has funding for instructors to support travel to conferences, workshops, and trainings. Attending conferences and workshops is a great way to learn about new and effective teaching methods. The department strongly encourages you to attend a math conference/workshop, and to have us pay for some or all of the costs.
Note that:
- Preference will be given to those currently teaching for the department, or those who are likely to do so in the future.
- Preference will be given to those presenting (e.g., talk, poster) at a conference.
- We prefer to support several people traveling to nearby conferences, rather than one person traveling to a distant conference.
How to Apply for Funding
To request funding to cover the cost of attending a conference, send an email to the department chair with the following information:
- Your name
- The conference/ workshop/ training you would like to attend
- The amount of funding you are requesting
- List of other sources of funding you have applied for
- A detailed itemization of costs. This should include:
- Registration for the conference
- Travel to and from the conference (For driving, use a reimbursement rate of 58cents per mile)
- Lodging (if it’s far away)
- Printing a poster for a poster presentation
We understand that some of these costs may be estimates. You should make sure that your estimates are large enough to cover whatever the final costs wind up being. We will not be able to increase the level of department support after your trip. Funds are limited.
Aim to apply one month before the date of travel to the conference.
Reminder: Cal State LA’s Center for Effective Teaching and Learning offers an enormous variety of workshops for free---no need for department money.
Links for Conferences and Workshops
Every year the Cal State system hosts the "Annual CSU Teaching and Learning Symposium," often in March or April. Search the web for "Annual CSU Teaching and Learning Symposium" a few months in advance to find out the dates and location for the next one.
CMC^3 South is "a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional growth of community college mathematics educators in Southern California." They host usually host two conferences per year, focused on pedagogy. Their conference page shows their organization's upcoming events.
Below are links for other professional development opportunities that may be of interest to mathematics instructors: